U.S. Elected Representatives

Below is a list of U.S. elected representatives who support the welfare, not just of humans, but of other animals as well. If you are in a district represented by one of these individuals (or even if you aren't!), tell them how you appreciate their efforts in this regard. Although we need more representatives like this, it's terrific that the following are out there giving a voice to the voiceless:

Congressman Brian Bilbray of California's 50th district
Congressman Earl Blumenhauer of Oregon's 3rd district
Congresswoman Susan Davis of California's 53rd district 
Congressman Sam Farr of California's 17th district
Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio's 10th district
Congressman Jim Langevin of Rhode Island's 2nd district
Former Congressman Christopher Shays of Connecticut's 4th district

This list is partial and will continue to be developed. However, if you know of any representatives who support animal welfare who are not on this list please send us an email!

Individual representatives have a wide range of voting records on legislation unrelated to animal rights. It is great to show one's support for a representative on a specific piece of legislation; however, before voting for and fully supporting him or her, much more than their voting history regarding animal welfare must be taken into account.

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